So hopefully everybody has seen the new currency that Stardoll has introduced. And I myself thought that it was a pathetic idea. So I went to OC and asked them what they thought.
Here are real qoutes from the OC'ers:
Horseluvr712: It's stupid.
Cocoa-99: I'm honestly so mad. Why
does stardoll think that they can change everything and that we'll just love
it? I've been on SD for about three years, and let me tell you, the original
was the best. But changes kept on being made.
I'm honestly so mad. Why
does stardoll think that they can change everything and that we'll just love
it? I've been on SD for about three years, and let me tell you, the original
was the best. But changes kept on being made.
bliger102: Fuck you Stardoll, fuck you.
alyssalou09: I hate it. I think it's terrible. It's more work to get your money. Plus, 40 Starcoins = 4 Stardollars. Everything in the Plaza is jacked up. I can't even but from bazaars anymore because most of the clothes are priced with the superstar coins and not the Starcoins. Stardoll is becoming more unfair.
Thecliquegirl10: Hate them, hate them, hate them.
Hanop93: Go back to the normal way, I hate Starcoins.
Disneygirl450: I don't mind it, I just hate how not even superstars can get superstar items without buying Stardollars. I also don't like how even though you get 40 of them a day, they're still practically worth nothing. If there was just one currency, I wouldn't mind if it was Starcoin or Stardollar. But having 2 just makes things so much more difficult.
capintwifan14: It's stupid, Stardoll's gay now.
aratSMASharat: I really think they have meade a bad decision. I have been saving my Stardollars up, and now I have 101, but now I can't even use them! And, if I convert them, I lose 10%! It's not fair!!!
iHeArT2tXt: IHATETHEMIHATETHEMIHATETHEM. Now the stuff that I wanted was, like, 3 Stardollars, and now they're 40 Starcoins! I haven 136 Stardollars and 14 Starcoins. I hate them.
So, obviously, nobody particularly likes this new currency. Wait, that's an understatement. Everybody hates the Starcoins. Gosh, how much more crappy can Stardoll get?! I bet they think they're making money; from the way it looks, it looks like they might lose money instead on account of the fact everyone is losing interest in becoming superstars now, after they have realised superstars aren't really gettting any more benefits than the non-superstars. Stardoll - go die in the fiery pits of Hades -.-
~*Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump*~